* Letter 118 [#c2967f35]
#navi(The Letters of J.R.R.Tolkien)
** 概要 [#Summary]


** 解説 [#Explanation]

『[[The Letters of J.R.R.Tolkien]]』に収録されている[[トールキン>ジョン・ロナルド・ロウエル・トールキン]]の手紙の一つ。宛先人はHugh Brogan。日付はないが、1948年のクリスマスに書かれたと思われる。

&ref(letter118_tolkien.jpg,,30%,Letter 118);


>dear huʒ ðis z just to wiš you a happy
kʰristmas in dwarf runəz.
>Dear Hugh, this is just to wish you a happy Christmas in dwarf runes.


>dea huʒ, ðis iz just to wiš yow a verry
happy kristmas in two styles v elviš
skript, i am sendiŋ somə eksplanations,
nd hopə yow wont find ðem too komplikated.
>Dea(r) Hugh, this is just to wish you a very happy Christmas in two styles of Elvish script, I am sending some explanations, and hope you won't find them too complicated.


>dear huʒ, ðis iz just to wiš
you a very happy khristmas in two
styləs v elviš skript, i am send
iŋ some eksplanations, nd i hopə
you wont find ðem too komplikatəd.
>Dear Hugh, this is just to wish you a very happy Christmas in two styles of Elvish script, I am sending some explanations, and I hope you won't find them too complicated.

** コメント [#Comment]
