* 銀に川は流れる、ケロスからエルイへ [#n2104360]
** 概要 [#v102ca14]
* レベンニンの歌 [#n2104360]
** 概要 [#Summary]

|~スペル|Silver flow the streams from Celos to Erui|
|~スペル|Song of Lebennin|

** 解説 [#waa8fd67]
** 解説 [#Explanation]


-『指輪物語』での邦訳((『[[指輪物語]] [[王の帰還]]』「最終戦略会議」))
*** 邦訳 [#b97eccec]

*** 原文 [#db3f713e]
>Silver flow the streams from [[Celos>ケロス]] to [[Erui>エルイ]]
In the green fields of [[Lebennin>レベンニン]]!
Tall grows the grass there. In the wind from [[the Sea>大海]]
Tall grows the grass there. In the wind from the [[Sea>大海]]
The white lilies sway,
And the golden bells are shaken of [[mallos>マルロス]] and [[alfirin>アルフィリン]]
And the golden bells are shaken of [[mallos>マッロス]] and [[alfirin>アルフィリン]]
In the green fields of Lebennin,
In the wind from [[the Sea>大海]]!
In the wind from the [[Sea>大海]]!

** コメント [#ub165734]
** コメント [#Comment]
